Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Hello everyone, I know it has been a while since I posted anything but, I have been reading your post as much as possible. first I would like to congratulate Noey,Becky,mom of twins, meagan,  and CR on their closings . I probably should not have began to name people because I know I will not get everyone but forgive me I have been out of the blogging loop for a while :)   BD it wont be long now.  Becky I love the colors. I would have never attempted the stripes it looks awesome.  Thrifty Amy thanks for the tip  on the pier one coupon did not get to use it though was being lazy :).
Well there has not been much going on with the house I will post some pictures later.  lawn was finally graded and Hydroseeded not growing in as well as I would like it  in certain areas,  we have lots of crabgrass. we have hired someone to treat the lawn and he says to leave them it is too late in the season to treat them and treating it will only damage the seed that is down.   completed painting the powder room, kitchen, upstairs hallway and the guest bedroom. (will post pics).  had to call plumber, hubby was not to happy with the water pressure while using water hoses to water lawn,   plumber adjusted it and said it has something to do with the energy star rating.  still not as strong as we would like it but it will do .   well that's all I got  for now will try and post more often maybe then I will not have so much to say   SORRY!!!!!!  


  1. Thanks! Glad to know all is going well. Getting settled in takes time, huh?

    We had our front yard sodded, and we STILL have crab grass growing? WTHeck!?! We plan on reseeding the sod and the entire back yard (as birds have ate all our seed. grundle mumph) this fall.

    Glad you're doing well hon!

  2. Hey Tasha!!!Cant wait to see pics!!!

  3. Great to hear all is well. :) I can't wait to see pictures! I didn't know the water pressure could be adjusted, I may just have to look into that.

  4. Yuck to crab grass and I also can't wait to see your pics. I hope our shower pressure doesnt suck! We are changing shower heads when we move in. Our showers are serious! lol

  5. To get the Energy Star rating the flow of water has to be controlled to I think 2.5 gallons per minute...not sure what you can do for an outside faucet, but there are shower heads out there that take that 2.5 flow rate and increase the pressure...same amount of water just more pressure...
